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Wireless glove integrity tester

Convenient, automatic, customized, modularized, portable with wireless transfer and independent testing functions
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Wireless glove integrity tester

A complete set of tester consists of tester body and test instrument box. The test instrument box includes printer and tester loading.

l Built-in rechargeable power supply system. External power supply is not needed.

l Built-in medical mini air pump. External air supply is not needed.

l Built-in battery percentage display system to avoid sudden suspension of glove testing.

l Man-machine interaction interface for serial numbers of gloves, online display of testing data.

l Wireless communication is available between tester and instrument box. Wireless data is used to print testing data.

l Suitable for8 inches and 10 inches’ gloves.

l Rapid air inflation. The test period for each glove is 3 to 5 minutes, and can continuously test 20 gloves

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